Mechanical,Automobile,Manufacturing and Production Engineering Jobs in NIT Karnataka
Qualification :
Candidate with B.E/B.Tech in Mechanical/Automobile/Manufacturing/Production Engineering & other allied discipline with a minimum of 60% aggregate score (6.5/10 CGPA) (OR)
M.E/M.Tech in Machine Design, Engineering Design, CAD/CDM & other allied disciplines with first class in both UG & PG degrees.
Rs. 31,000 per month +16% HRA
Other Engineering Jobs you may apply.
Complete Recruitment details
Age Limit
18 to 45 years.
Junior Research Fellow Job Description :
The National Institute of Technology, Karnataka (NIT) has announced a new job notification for the 01 Junior Research Fellow Vacancy. Aspirants who have to possess a B.E/ B.Tech in Automobile, Manufacturing, Production, and Mechanical Engineering must grab the chance of the NIT Karnataka Recruitment 2024. Eligible Candidates can apply for Junior Research Fellow Jobs on or before the last date of 16th August 2024. More details like educational qualification, pay scale, vacancy details, age limit, selection process, application fee, how to apply, and application dates are mentioned below.
Qualification :
Candidate with B.E/B.Tech in Mechanical/Automobile/Manufacturing/Production Engineering & other allied discipline with a minimum of 60% aggregate score (6.5/10 CGPA) (OR)
M.E/M.Tech in Machine Design, Engineering Design, CAD/CDM & other allied disciplines with first class in both UG & PG degrees.
Rs. 31,000 per month +16% HRA
Selection Process
- Selection process will be based on software proficiency test and a technical interview.
Surathkal with applications along with passport size photo on plain paper, original certificates and a self-attested copy of original certificates. Candidates must bring laptops for the software proficiency test with appropriate software installed.
Important Dates
Date of software proficiency test and a technical interview 16 August 2024
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