Invites applications for the post of Draftsman
Draftsman Grade–II/Overseer Grade-II (Mechanical):
No.of Posts: 03
Pay Scale: ` 11620-20240/-
Qualifications: 1) Pass in SSLC or its equivalent qualification recognised by Government of Kerala. 2) National Trade Certificate in the Trade of Mechanic or its equivalent qualification recognised by the Government of Kerala.
Last date: 28/09/2011
For more details click here or visit
Invites applications for the post of Draftsman
Draftsman Grade–II/Overseer Grade-II (Mechanical):
No.of Posts: 03
Pay Scale: ` 11620-20240/-
Qualifications: 1) Pass in SSLC or its equivalent qualification recognised by Government of Kerala. 2) National Trade Certificate in the Trade of Mechanic or its equivalent qualification recognised by the Government of Kerala.
Last date: 28/09/2011
For more details click here or visit