Invites applications for the post of CHEMICAL ENGINEERS:
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No. of posts: 6
Qualification: Candidate must possess First Class in Bachelor Degree (BE / B Tech) in Engineering with 1)Minimum of 65% aggregate marks for General and OBC candidates and 2)Minimum of 63% aggregate marks for SC/ ST/PWD candidates.
ï‚· Good knowledge in chemical activities related to Printed Circuit Boards
(PCB’s) manufacturing including MLB’s and Finishing Shop Activities.
ï‚· Good knowledge in production activities related to PCB manufacturing and
Finishing Shop areas like operation of Automatic Plating plants,
Conveyorized wet process machines, Photo Printing & Screen Printing
Works, MLB pressing jobs etc.,
Emoluments : In Grade 2 Scale of pay of Rs.8600-250-14600 plus other allowances as applicable to other officers in the Company. Gross emoluments of Rs.37,760/- per month (approximately)
Last date: 07/09/2016
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