Invites applications for the post of COMPUTER SCIENCE ENGINEERS:
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No. of posts: 10
Qualification: Candidate must possess First Class in Bachelor Degree (BE / B Tech) in Engineering with 1)Minimum of 65% aggregate marks for General and OBC candidates and 2)Minimum of 63% aggregate marks for SC/ ST/PWD candidates.
ï‚· To develop software applications/GUI using programming languages
with database back-end like Oracle, MSSQL, MySQL.
 Exposure to Server Operating System – UNIX / LINUX
and Microsoft Windows.
ï‚· Server preferably latest versions.
ï‚· To develop / maintain ERP applications with 4th and 3rd generation programming languages.
ï‚· Maintenance of Servers / Databases / Network.
Emoluments : In Grade 2 Scale of pay of Rs.8600-250-14600 plus other allowances as applicable to other officers in the Company. Gross emoluments of Rs.37,760/- per month (approximately)
Last date: 07/09/2016
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